Dedoose: Qualitative analysis software
I am personally a huge fan of Dedoose software because it's inexpensive, intuitive, cloud-based, and incredibly easy to collaborate with in group. Also their IT support is wonderful! Here are links to their site to help support your work:
​1. Getting Started
Register for a Dedoose account: one-month free trial, then a monthly subscription with individual, small group, large group, and student pricing, currently ranging from $11-$15 per month: http://dedoose.com/
Video overview: 12-minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uvUnP6JZq0
2. Setting things up
Import documents: e.g., transcripts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIwATUUcOk8
Participant descriptors: e.g., demographic information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PPrR0MwnEg
Add users: collaboration is key! Adding multiple coders and collaborators to a project: https://dedoose.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204040836-How-do-I-add-users-to-my-project-
3. Coding: either a priori or emergent codes
Setting up codes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLyQgUrCxg8
Excerpting: coding excerpts
Exporting codes and excerpts to Excel: https://youtu.be/cpK3Zkcytmg
Memos: creating memos in Dedoose: https://www.dedoose.com/userguide/memos/memosarticle#MemosArticle
4. Trustworthiness
Verifying codes: review your excerpts and their codes to check for validity: https://www.dedoose.com/userguide/codingandexcerpting/excerptreviewingadditionalcodingtagging#ExcerptReviewingAdditionalCodingTagging
Inter-rater reliability: either export to Excel and calculate hit/miss ratio, or create a “Training Center Test” within Dedoose to test for IRR: https://www.dedoose.com/userguide/interraterreliability/trainingcenterarticle#TrainingCenterArticle
Helpful charts regarding trustworthiness: use of codes, coder stats, etc.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtlLIGqN6cE
5. Data visualization
Helpful charts for data analysis: https://www.dedoose.com/userguide/analysisandfiltering/analyzeworkspacechartstablesandplots#AnalyzeWorkspaceChartsTablesAndPlots
Chart explanations: http://www.dedoose.com/userguide/analysisandfiltering