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Journal Rating Searches and Research Impact

Instructions for Journal Table Searches


  • This is intended to help faculty to show their impact in the research world, typically needed when they go up for review, promotion, and/or in tenure process. 

  • This is also very useful to compare journals to target for publication. 


The process isn't hard, but tends to be surprisingly time consuming to compile a formal list as there is a lot of searching to find impact factor, field rank, and especially acceptance rate.  Here is my process: 


  1. Use Cabell's search first - sign in with Auraria 

  2. Then go to: Scopus:

  3. Then try the journal's website

  4. When those fail (often!), try an open google search with the journal name and impact factor or acceptance rate as key words.  Sometimes someone else has compiled the information of journals in a particular field. 

  5. If you still can't find it then email editors requesting the missing information (very typical!). 


Finding my Research Impact 

If you want to go further and examine your own research impact you can develop tables like the example below and check out your H Index using the instructions in the word doc. 

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